In The Press
I am now 12 years into my journey with Samantha Prewett Photography, and it still truly excites me every time I see my beautiful baby and family photographs used in the media and within other businesses. I don't think that ever stops. I still feel a little star struck every time I see my work or story published. The newspaper has to be the top for me though, who doesn't get excited to see their name in the newspaper?
So I thought I would share some of my recent success stories with you all. I am not going to start at the beginning of my journey ( although I wish I did create this page years ago!) I hope you enjoy this page and share some of the joy I had in creating it.
So I thought I would share some of my recent success stories with you all. I am not going to start at the beginning of my journey ( although I wish I did create this page years ago!) I hope you enjoy this page and share some of the joy I had in creating it.
In January 2025, I had a go at some landscape photography in my spare time, and I got 2 of my photos published in the Bournemouth Echo newspaper, that was a lovely surprise!
In October 2023 I was invited onto HopeFM for a live radio interview to talk about my business!
This was definitely an experience that I will not forget, I have never been on the radio before.
This was definitely an experience that I will not forget, I have never been on the radio before.
In January 2023 I was featured in Dorset Biz News again with my 10th business birthday!
You can read the article here:
A happy birth-day! Newborn baby and family photographer celebrates ten years in business - DorsetBizNews
You can read the article here:
A happy birth-day! Newborn baby and family photographer celebrates ten years in business - DorsetBizNews
In November 2021 I was asked by my favourite local networking group to take some photos and they got published along with Joanne's article in the magazine, both online and in print.
In June 2021 I was invited by Raring2go magazine to write an article for Plastic Free July. I really enjoyed sharing some top tips to help save single use plastic and money at the same time!
In October 2020, The Daily Echo published my story about how I got my plastic free champion award. I had a full page printed in the paper (see abpve) and an online article which you can read below:
- Daily Echo article October 2020
- Daily Echo article October 2020
In winter 2020, I wrote another article for Raring 2 Go magazine, this time featuring tips on photographing your own children outdoors during the covid-19 pandemic.
- Raring 2 Go article Winter 2020
In June 2020 I was proud to be featured as the top story on Dorset Biz News. This was my first journalist interview and I really enjoyed it. You can read my story and find out some things you might not have known about me here:
- Dorset Biz News article
- Dorset Biz News article
In May 2020 I had an article published in Raring2go magazine on tips for photographing your children indoors during the covid-19 pandemic.
- Raring2go article Spring 2020
My expectant and new parent event that I ran for the first time in October 2019 created a lot of excitement in the media and I have had some fab coverage. One great example is this article from BH Living featuring the second event which is to be held in April 2020:
- BH Living expectant and new parent event article
- BH Living expectant and new parent event article
In October 2018 I was asked by the lovely Lexy of Made by me parties if I would be able to write some tips for photographing children's birthday parties for her blog. You can read this article here:
- Top tips for photographing your child's birthday party
- Top tips for photographing your child's birthday party
In June 2018, following the success of the Dor PIP leaflets, I was asked by Teds Toys in Ringwood if I would like to provide some photographs for their flyers too.
In May 2018 I was asked by nationwide charity Dor PIP who were setting up locally if I would be able to provide some of my photographs for their flyers and website. So with the kind permission of my wonderful clients, these beautiful leaflets were created:
In April 2018 one of my photographs was featured in a Poole Pirates Speedway article in the Daily Echo!
In April 2018 I was delighted to be invited by Families Online to share my story of how I run my own business alongside being a Mum.